ultra nationalism can be defined as having a perfect image of your nation and doing whatever it takes in order to fulfill that ambition or desire that they have.
Genocide in Turkey 1915
Crimes against humanity are widespread or systemic attacks against a civilian population including murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, imprisonment, torture,rape or sexual slavery etc...
War crimes willful killing, torture or inhuman treatment; willfully causing great suffering and intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population or against those who are involved in a humanitarian or peacekeeping mission.
Genocide the killing of members of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group deliberately inflicting on the group condition of life calculated to being about its physical destruction.
When you take a look at ultranationalism and crimes against humanity you can quickly see that in the majority of cases ultranationalism does lead to crimes against humanity, war crimes and that these concepts are interconnected. some examples that prove this statement could be, Genocide in Turkey, Famine in Ukraine, and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki-1945.
The Famine in Ukraine (1932-1933) |
The main religion in Turkey was Islam, but under the Ottoman empire there was still a minority of Armenians that were still there in Turkey and practised there religion. These Armenians that had chosen to affirm their identity had faced discrimination from the Turkish people who didn't want the Turkish people to practise there religion. things started getting worse in the late 1800's when some of the Armenians thought that it would be a good idea to fight for self determination. The Turkish people lost this fight, and along with this came another outcome which was the killing of Armenians by the Turks. then in 1914 an ultra nationalist party issued the 'ten commandments'. the ten commandments included the following:
- Exterminate males under 50, priests, and teachers but leave the girls and children to be islamized.
- families who succeeded in escaping would have all form of connection cut off them from their native place.
- kill all Armenians in the army
the ultra nationalism in the Turkish people led them to have a perfect image of their nation which in this case included having no Armenians. The Turkish people where so blinded by this unrealistic "perfect" nation that they started killing all Armenians and didn't even think once about what they were doing was wrong.
Genocide in turkey |
Famine in Ukraine( 1932-1933)
Most of Ukraine was ruled by Russia for about almost 150 years. After the Russian revolution, Ukraine tried to declare independence, but were unsuccessful. The Ukrainians farmland was a huge part of them and the farmers were one of the strongest supporters for independence. In the late 1920's when Joseph Stalin took control of the Soviet union the first thing that he did was take the Ukrainians farmland. Stalin said that the farm land was to belong to the state and that they had to work on collective farms. The Ukrainian farmers did not like this and did much to resist like to burn there crops and kill livestock, rather than giving up the farm land itself. What Stalin then did fed up was that he started shipping the Ukrainian wheat to Russia to be sold in foreign markets and to increase on cash, which Stalin wanted for the union. He sealed the Ukraine's borders which meant that no one could go out and buy food and no food would be getting in. Anyone caught hiding crops, grains or not co-operating with Stalin was executed, or deported to labour camps. By the end of 1933 granaries of the soviet were full of wheat, but three to seven million Ukrainians had starved to death or were killed by soviet authorities. Not many people also knew what was happening because the soviet authorities censored newspapers,and while Ukrainians were dying Stalin was getting praised in the newspapers, and saying that people should join the soviet Union.
Wheat burning. many Ukrainian farmers burned their crops just so they didn't have to give in their farmland. |
Ukrainian women starving for food, in this case wheat. |
Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945)
policies were made to support national interest. Many people argued that dropping the atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki back in 1945 was the united states national interest .The U.S president Harry S. Truman finally made a decision and the decision was to drop a bomb , because he thought that it was important to end the war and save as many lives as possible. The plan was to drop the bomb and completely destroy all of japans enterprises that included, docks, factories, and communication systems. some of the creators of the bomb thought that it would be useful to show a little demonstration to show the Japanese leaders that these weapons are actually dangerous. General Dwight D. Eisenhower who would later would go on to be president disagreed to this and was uncertain about the decision to drop the bomb because he believed that Japan was already defeated.
Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima |
Cemetery in Hiroshima in which holds the remains of the millions that died on August 6 1945 due to the atomic bomb. |